Destination creation is based upon understanding the world, context of place and the drivers of human behaviour. It is the science of making places to which people want to go, delivering memorable experiences and telling the accompanying stories. Placemaking finds its roots in co-design and collaboration with the users and inhabitants of spaces. It is centred in a sense of ownership, self-determination and empowerment. Destination and placemaking are made richer when they go hand in hand.
Our destination and placemaking process empower clients, stakeholders, users and all those involved in each project, by having them join with us in creating destinations that have a positive social and environmental impact, and are human-centric and inclusive.
Hand in hand with our clients we have tested and built a robust, facilitated, end to end process that thoroughly connects research, strategy, creativity, prototyping and social, environmental and commercial outcomes, to create places which really serve their people.